.. righteous documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jan 6 16:35:09 2012. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: ../resources/righteous.jpg righteous: A Python Rightscale API/CLI ====================================== Release v\ |release| **righteous** is a Python client implementation of the `RightScale API `_ for EC2 instance management. .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/michaeljoseph/righteous.png righteous provides an API and CLI to create, start/stop, delete, remove and introspect RightScale EC2 Servers. This library implements RightScale API 1.0 and has only been tested with EC2 instances using ServerTemplates and managed in a Deployment. Configuration ------------- Create a file called `~/.righteous` with the following customised contents: :: [auth] username: username@domain.com password: password account_id: 123 [server-defaults] default_deployment_id: 45623 ec2_security_groups_href: https://my.rightscale.com/api/acct/123/ec2_security_groups/789 ec2_availability_zone: us-east-1a ec2_ssh_key_href: https://my.rightscale.com/api/acct/123/ec2_ssh_keys/998 cloud_id: 1 server_template_href: https://my.rightscale.com/api/acct/123/ec2_server_templates/74732 instance_type: m1.small m1.small: https://my.rightscale.com/api/acct/123/ec2_server_templates/74732 m1.large: https://my.rightscale.com/api/acct/123/ec2_server_templates/117240 CLI --- :: righteous Interact with the RightScale Server API. Usage: righteous [options] list righteous [options] create (=)... righteous [options] stop ... righteous [options] status ... righteous [options] delete ... righteous --version Options: -c FILE --config=FILE Specify the configuration file location, default is ~/.righteous -v --verbose Show debug output -h --help Show this screen. Server API ---------- .. module:: righteous .. autofunction:: initialise .. autofunction:: login .. autofunction:: list_servers .. autofunction:: find_server .. autofunction:: server_info .. autofunction:: server_settings .. autofunction:: create_and_start_server .. autofunction:: stop_server .. autofunction:: delete_server ServerTemplate API ------------------ .. autofunction:: list_server_templates .. autofunction:: server_template_info .. autofunction:: create_server_template .. autofunction:: delete_server_template Deployment API -------------- .. autofunction:: list_deployments .. autofunction:: find_deployment .. autofunction:: deployment_info .. autofunction:: create_deployment .. autofunction:: delete_deployment .. autofunction:: duplicate_deployment